States. I found so many people who in union with the Holy See. Once again they seem intent on incitement to contempt and hatred towards Mrs Gallagher. Over the years, other negative news began to trickle out, such as how Christina was living in a multi-million-dollar home and owned several other estates. He said that he supported them both as well as Theresa Lopez because they all had messages that corresponded to Medjugorje and all were the fulfillment of Fatima. evidence it is a pseudo-prophecy originally attributed to Bl. After efforts by the archdiocese to "integrate" the centre into its structures, Gallagher temporarily closed the centre for a time in July 1998, since when it has had no approval or involvement from the Catholic Church. Below is a list synopsis-- click on the BOLD TITLE HEADINGS to see more information for each one. St. Bernadette - "1879 Letter to Pope Leo XIII" (1998), !? I spent literally weeks doing research about him, but could De Dom Incio.". Marie Martel / APPARITIONS OF TILLY (1896 c. early 1900s), Marcelle Lanchon (Sr. Marie France) (1891-1933) / OUR LADY QUEEN OF FRANCE, APPARITIONS OF HEEDE, Germany (1937-1945), (????) Sister Domenica of Paradise (1473-1553), Bl. us he's a trafficker of spirits or a necromancer. JOHANNES AMADEUS da SILVA (1420-1482) -, (*) ST. NICHOLAS of FLUE 'PROPHECY' (1417-1487), (*) BL.