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} background-color: whitesmoke; Be sure to read reviews - from multiple sources - of the company youre considering insuring your car with. background-color: whitesmoke; opacity: 0.7; html.has-navbar-fixed-top, .table td.is-selected strong, Thanks guys! } background-color: #3298dc; color: inherit; } height: 52px; .navbar.internal-nav .navbar-burger{ background-color: #fafafa; } } background-color: #0a0a0a; background-color: white; display: flex; } color: #f14668; } margin-top: 1rem; min-height: 180px; } flex: none; } box-shadow: 0 8px 8px rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.1), 0 0 0 1px rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.1); .field.has-addons .control .input:not([disabled]):focus, padding-right: 5px; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } .column.is-2-mobile { .button.is-success.is-inverted[disabled], fieldset[disabled] .button.is-success.is-inverted { border-color: #7a7a7a; } border-radius: 290486px; } .tag:not(body).is-primary.is-light { .pagination { font-size: 1em !important; $79,500 Dealership CC-1667973 1929 Chevrolet Pickup ENGINE PARTS Part No : UNI-026. padding-bottomn: 5px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } I plan to keep it all original, build the cab and bed out of wood and put original bias ply tires back on the wood rims. .pagination-next:active, display: flex; margin-left: 41.6666666667%; } 2019 Volvo XC60 Momentum. .car-page .level-item, color: white; } width: 50%; } grid-template-columns: repeat( auto-fit, 300px ); font-size: 1.25rem; } box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } background-color: #f2f2f2; } flex: none; } .help.is-light { position: sticky; border-color: transparent; More photos available on request. color: #7a7a7a; } .notification a:not(.button):not(.dropdown-item) { .column.is-full-desktop { @media screen and (min-width: 1024px) { .navbar.is-white .navbar-brand .navbar-link::after { .letters > a { height: 50%; .list-item.is-active { .table td.is-selected a, .tag:not(body).is-success.is-light { width: 50%; } color: #3298dc; } background-color: black; font-size: 3.5rem; border-radius: 4px; .hero-head, flex: none; bottom: 0; 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} overflow: hidden; .maninfo-left, .maninfo-left h3 { Nick showed me the vehicle I bought and I found he's not your typical car salesman. width: 60%; } .button.is-primary.is-outlined:hover, .button.is-primary.is-outlined.is-hovered, .button.is-primary.is-outlined:focus, .button.is-primary.is-outlined.is-focused { background-color: black; border-bottom-color: #dbdbdb; position: fixed; .is-boxed a { border-top-left-radius: 0; display: none!important; margin-right: auto; z-index: 4; } .sort .active { border-bottom: 1px solid transparent; .navbar.is-link .navbar-brand > .navbar-item, $22,500 Added as favorite 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 21 dec 2022 1927 CHEVROLET COUPE RUMBLE SEATS MUSTANG RACK POWER BRAKES POWER STEERING S-10 REAR END ALL STEEL BODY NO MOTOR READY FOR YOUR MOTOR TO BE INSTALLED -Vehicle is on consignment and at our clients home -Please Call First and talk to a rep at. } text-decoration: none; Quantity-+ Total The '28's were LO and LP and what was the difference of LO and LP? .button.is-warning.is-inverted.is-outlined:hover, .button.is-warning.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-hovered, .button.is-warning.is-inverted.is-outlined:focus, .button.is-warning.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-focused { .file.is-info:focus .file-cta, .file.is-info.is-focused .file-cta { border-color: transparent; .column.is-7-mobile { About the data. .pagination-previous:active, border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } --columnGap: 0rem; } } text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 black; width: 25%; } Chevrolet's compact sedan that replaced the Cavalier: Cruze: 2008 2019 2 Chevrolet's compact car based on D2XX platform. background: #33333399; Carfolio.com - all specifications presented on this site, their display and formatting belong to Carfolio.com. margin-left: 0.25em; .select select[multiple] { margin: 0; font-size: 11px; background-color: #f2f2f2; .message.is-primary .message-header { padding-right: var(--columnGap); } color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); } align-items: stretch; --columnGap: 1rem; } } justify-content:center; .column.is-two-fifths-touch { margin-right: 10px; margin-left: -0.375em; padding: 1rem; border-color: transparent; } color: #fff; } .column.is-4-mobile { padding-left: 2px; .navbar.is-fixed-top { div.alpha a i { box-shadow: none; } padding-bottom: 0.05rem; } --columnGap: 1rem; } } border-bottom-right-radius: 0; 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} } color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); LM15971 had an Engine Number of approximately # RT3,037,800, and a Cast Date of A-10-7, for January 10th, 1927. flex-shrink: 1; color: #fff; } } @media screen and (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1023px) { } white-space: nowrap; } /*.grid-card img { display: flex; @media screen and (min-width: 799px) { margin-left: 66.6666666667%; } border-color: transparent; padding: 2px !important; .columns.is-variable.is-5-widescreen-only { height: 100%; /* margin-bottom: 0; } Pricing is subject to change without notice. color: white; } display: none; background: #99990011; min-height: 160px !important; width: 20%; } grid-template-rows: auto 1fr; background-color: #e8e8e8; flex-basis: auto; text-align: left; .hero.is-danger .tabs li.is-active a { .hero.is-link .tabs a { flex: none; display: grid; .search-results .column.left, margin-left: 60%; } margin-left: 58.3333333333%; } .tag:not(body) .delete { background: white; } box-shadow: 3px 3px 20px -8px black; } color: #fff; 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.list div.grid, .button.is-rounded { } background: white; } flex-shrink: 1; HIGHLIGHTS: Here's something you don't see very often! .button.is-link.is-light:hover, .button.is-link.is-light.is-hovered { box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em rgba(54, 54, 54, 0.25); } @media screen and (max-width: 1023px) { color: #353535; flex: none; margin-top: 20px; .tag:not(body).is-success { box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.125em rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } .button.is-fullwidth { text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 black; background-color: black; User Info. @media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .hero.is-success .tabs a { flex: none; } .table th.is-link { line-height: 1.5; .hero.is-white .tabs.is-boxed a, .hero.is-white .tabs.is-toggle a { font-size: 21px; } width: 100%; } bottom: 100%; } min-height: 0.05rem; } color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9); } .table th.is-selected { .button.is-danger:hover, .button.is-danger.is-hovered { z-index: -1; DOES IT NEED ANYTHING? .grid-card .detail.p span.power abbr, .navbar-menu { .diesel::after { border-color: whitesmoke; } width: 100%; .natur::after { border-color: transparent transparent #363636 #363636 !important; } .internal-nav .navbar-menu { .field-label.is-normal { left: calc(50% - (1em / 2)); color: #333333; background-color: transparent; z-index: 3; } They are such a easy people to make a business with! } .control.has-icons-right .select select { margin: 0; .select select[multiple] option { Check Availability. height: 20px; } .tag:not(body).is-delete { font-weight: bold; .navbar.is-white .navbar-end > a.navbar-item:hover, opacity: 1; } max-width: 300px; justify-content: flex-end; } --columnGap: 1.25rem; } } color: #cc0f35; } background-color: transparent; 4 Pictures . transform: scale(1.6); color: currentColor; } color: white; } background-color: #48c774; .is-warning.input:focus, .is-warning.textarea:focus, .is-warning.is-focused.input, .is-warning.is-focused.textarea, .is-warning.input:active, .is-warning.textarea:active, .is-warning.is-active.input, .is-warning.is-active.textarea { .table tr.is-selected th { flex: none; 1. Man you guys are a mess! THE FLUIDS HAVE BEEN CHANGED ALONG WITH THE FUEL SYSTEM CLEANED .navbar.is-info .navbar-end .navbar-link:focus, .hero.is-info .subtitle { margin-bottom: 0; } flex: none; .navbar-link:not(.is-arrowless) { .navbar.is-warning .navbar-end .navbar-link::after { .hero.is-dark.is-bold { .navbar-dropdown .navbar-item { Otherwise, the interior is in good condition! padding-top: 0.375em; } .button.is-primary.is-light:active, .button.is-primary.is-light.is-active { background-color: #3298dc; color: #fff; } } .select.is-fullwidth select { position: relative; @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { There are 112lb to the Imperial or Long Ton. background: #333333; color: #f89d0e!important; nav.navbar.main-nav a.navbar-item, .main-nav .navbar-item, .main-nav .navbar-item a { .manufacturer { } body.has-navbar-fixed-bottom-desktop { border-radius: 290486px; color: #f89d0e; flex-wrap: wrap; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } .field.is-grouped { .hero.is-white .title { color: white; } .columns.is-variable.is-4-widescreen-only { opacity: 0.9; } font-size: 34px; color: #333333; border-color: whitesmoke; .column h1, .column h2, .column h3 { .button.is-info:focus, .button.is-info.is-focused { position: relative; border-color: whitesmoke; opacity: 1; } .tag:not(body).is-delete:hover, .tag:not(body).is-delete:focus { animation: carousel5 20s ease-in-out 3s infinite; 20%, 100% { .navbar.is-success { padding-top: 6px; .button.is-dark.is-inverted.is-outlined:hover, .button.is-dark.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-hovered, .button.is-dark.is-inverted.is-outlined:focus, .button.is-dark.is-inverted.is-outlined.is-focused { Another Norwegian example is # 3,146,563 with the 346709 Block and Cast Date of C-14-7 March 14th 1927; the Serial number is XB-AA3123. color: #3298dc; } flex-wrap: wrap; } margin-left: 0.5em; } height: 21px; .control.has-icons-left .input.is-large ~ .icon, .column.is-full-fullhd { font-size: 0.875rem; .main-nav .navbar-item { margin:0; outline: none; } } .home-page h1 { width: 75%; } .hero.is-halfheight .hero-body, .hero.is-fullheight .hero-body, .hero.is-fullheight-with-navbar .hero-body { margin-left: 66.6666666667%; } border-top-right-radius: 4px; } background-color: #f14668; } } .button.is-info:focus:not(:active), .button.is-info.is-focused:not(:active) { freestar.config = freestar.config || {}; } border-color: #ffdd57; } flex: none; } .specifications-compare .ad-tag { top: 0; This Block was cast not by S.P.C. line-height: 1.15rem; .specifications-types div.grid-card > div { margin-bottom: 1.5rem !important; } flex: none; } background: #444444aa; color: #eeeeee; padding-top: 1rem; } .hero.is-white .tabs.is-boxed a:hover, .hero.is-white .tabs.is-toggle a:hover { } .navbar.is-warning .navbar-start > a.navbar-item:focus, .navbar.is-warning .navbar-start > a.navbar-item:hover, .navbar.is-warning .navbar-start > a.navbar-item.is-active, content: ""; } h1 { background: rgba(69,69,69, 0.41); We assume no responsibility for damages or delays incurred once a vehicle is in a shipper's custody. } All vehicles are being sold As Is, Where Is, with No Warranty, expressed, written or implied. margin: 0 auto; .button.is-white:focus, .button.is-white.is-focused { } --columnGap: 0.75rem; } overflow-x: auto; .search-terms-display .or { color: #3366cc; } .columns.is-mobile > .column.is-half { color: #cc0f35; } .dropdown { margin-right: 0; } display: block; font-size: 0.65rem; height: 0; .is-grouped label { padding-left: 0.75em; } .hero.is-warning .tabs a:hover { .hero.is-dark .tabs a:hover { display: flex; } color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } } opacity: 0.5; } color: #666666; background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent; border-color: #3298dc; } } color: white; background-color: white; background: #99999966; CUSTOM PAINT JOB, PAINTED DECALS, WHITE WALL T . .file.is-danger:hover .file-cta, .file.is-danger.is-hovered .file-cta { color: currentColor; .column.is-offset-three-quarters-fullhd { color: #fff; } border-radius: 18px 18px 0 0; background-color: #fff; --columnGap: 2rem; } } flex: none; width: 50%; } .hero.is-dark { .navbar.is-primary .navbar-dropdown a.navbar-item.is-active {
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